10 Ways to Play Recreational Tennis like a Grand Slam Champ. Part 1

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the absence. A few things are happening simultaneously so much that sometimes I wish there were three more of me so I could give the world what I really want to! Between, a few disappointing tournament results, keeping a job and making preparations for graduate school one blinks and realize it is 2012 already! But I still have more jewels to share!

10. Take your lessons effectively:

Taking lessons to strengthen your game is always a plus, but the sentiment alone is not enough. Pros dedicate half an hour to two hours to forehands alone, and the same amount of time to serves and so on. Unless you are a beginner, trying to squeeze everything, top to bottom, into 60 minutes with your coach is possible but can be counterproductive.

9. Do not change a winning game plan!

8. Do yourself a favour—develop a weapon:

You are probably reading this because tennis IS your lifestyle. You will not be quitting anytime soon, but a few “W”s while you are at it will remind you why you love the game in the first place. Name a pro, and they are probably known for a particular shot. Speed and endurance are a plus and may even win longer matches occasionally, but having bankable shot-making skill pay higher dividends. As you get better, so does your competition—more balls tend to come back and convincing responses become necessary.

7. Put the last error behind you:

After berating yourself, abusing your racquet, and verbally assaulting your family lineage—none of which is helpful, by the way—brush it off your shoulder and forget about it. One point is not worth tanking the match over.

6. Simply put, “Practice Makes Perfect”

Grand Slam champs did not just happen onto Rod Laver Arena’s main draw by accident. Simply put, from one of your favourites talking about an activity, he is but a mere mortal as we are at tennis:

You need a base of talent, obviously, and lots of practice, but what’s decisive in golf is not letting one bad shot affect the rest of your game…Rafael Nadal

....Look out for Part II soon!
